Quotation Explorer - 'Clive Barker'

I've learned two things in my life. One that love is the beginning and end of all meaning. And two that it is the same thing whatever shape our souls have taken on this journey. Love is love. Is love. - Clive Barker
Writing about the unholy is one way of writing about what is sacred. - Clive Barker
I was a weird little kid. I was very irritable, bored, frustrated. I felt my imagination bubbling inside my head without having any way to express itself. Given a crayon and paper, I would not draw a train or a house. I would draw these monsters, beasts and demons. - Clive Barker
Nothing else wounds so deeply and irreparably. Nothing else robs us of hope so much as being unloved by one we love - Clive Barker
The dead have highways." - Clive Barker
All things are true. God's an Astronaut. Oz is Over the Rainbow, and Midian is where the monsters live." - Peloquin - Clive Barker
One man's pornography is another man's theology. - Clive Barker
I really believe that there is an enormous appetite amongst readers for an originality of vision. In other words, be true to your own dreams and there will always be people who want to hear them. - Clive Barker
That's half of your trouble," muttered the crocodile. "You believe everything's true.""That's because everything is," replied Mr. Bacchus. - Clive Barker
[Horror fiction] shows us that the control we believe we have is purely illusory, and that every moment we teeter on chaos and oblivion. - Clive Barker
Dorothea: "What the fuck are you?"Nix: "A man who wanted to be a God...then changed his mind. - Clive Barker
The paintings of Francis Bacon to my eye are very beautiful. The paintings of Bosch or Goya are to my eye very beautiful. I've also stood in front of those same paintings with people who've said, 'let's get on to the Botticellis as soon as possible.' I have lingered, of course. - Clive Barker
I have deeper journeys to take. Metaphysical journeys to see Christ. Shaman journeys. It's what I have been elected by God to do. - Clive Barker
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